
Dealing with Dog Allergies - By
Nancy Settecasi
Dog allergies are very similar to human allergies and
also produce the same symptoms as human allergies.
There are 5 types of dog allergies: food allergy,
flea allergy, bacteria allergy, contact allergy and
atopy. Here are some basic facts about each of these
Food Allergies
The most common symptom of food allergies is
scratching, due to skin irritation. Dog foods contain
a host of ingredients which can cause an allergic
reaction to your dog. Some of these ingredients are:
Meats: Beef, Chicken, Pork, Lamb, Fish, Eggs
Diary products (Milk)
Grains (Wheat, Whey)
Most dog owners often scold their dog for scratching
too much. Any obsessive behavior your dog
demonstrates, such as constant scratching, chewing,
licking, requires immediate attention. Never assume
that this is just a new habit your dog picked up. Dog
allergies can make your dog very uncomfortable.
Aside from scratching, some of the other symptoms
dogs can experience are:
eye and nose discharge
Itching around the anus
hair loss
loss of appetite
pawing at their ears or head shaking
breathing problems
Isolating the allergen which causes the allergy is
not easy because the dog is usually allergic to one
specific ingredient in the food. Therefore, it is a
matter of isolating that ingredient. You can try
doing this with an elimination diet, which most
people don't have the time or energy for. The
elimination diet requires preparing specially-cooked
meals consisting of a more exotic meat, like rabbit
or venison, mixed with rice or potato, which wouldn't
normally be found in dog food.
An easier and more modern approach to test for the
presence of a food allergy is to try a dog food which
contains hydrolyzed proteins, such as Purinas HA or
Hills z/d. Hydrolyzed proteins are broken down into
molecules so small, they can't affect the immune
system, which is what causes the allergy. If the
allergy goes away while your dog is on this diet
(which would take about 8 weeks), then he most likely
is suffering from a food allergy. At this point, you
would start to re-introduce the possible allergens
one by one (individual meats, wheat, corn, milk,
etc.) for a period of two weeks each. If the symptoms
return, it is most likely due to the ingredient being
introduced at that time. You should look out for that
ingredient on dog food labels in future purchases.
Atopy (inhalant allergy)
Atopy is the most common of all dog allergies, which
is caused by environmental factors, such as dust
mites, molds, house dust, human dander, feathers or
Signs of atopy include excessive chewing, licking and
scratching at the face, paws, abdomen, armpits and
genital area. Evidence of this behavior can be found
in examining your dog's paws, armpits and genital
area. Reddish-brown stains develop in these areas due
to excessive licking. This may not be evident in dogs
with dark coats.
Atopy is not easy to diagnose due to other dog
allergies having the same symptoms. Once these other
dog allergies (food, flea and contact) have been
ruled out, your vet can proceed with testing for the
root cause of the atopy. The most accurate method of
testing for atopy is Intradermal Skin Testing.
There are many different treatment options for atopy.
The best treatment would be avoiding the allergen
altogether. If this is not feasible, other treatments
include cool water baths with medicated shampoo,
antihistamines, allergy shots, corticosteriods or a
diet rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.
Flea Allergies
Dog allergies to fleas are not caused by the flea
itself, but rather the flea's saliva. A common
symptom of flea allergies is scratching at the tail
area which causes hair loss, scabs and sores. Your
vet can easily diagnose a flea allergy by checking
for the presence of fleas in the coat. Fleas can be
seen by the naked eye. Intradermal Skin Testing can
also be used to test for this type of allergy. The
most effective products for eliminating fleas are:
Advantage - Flea control for your Dog &
CatFrontLine - Flea & Tick
Medication for your Dog & Cat
Capstar- Flea infestation on Dog and Cat
K9 Advantix Flea and Tick Medication (based on dog's
Bacterial Allergies
A dog's skin normally harbors Staph bacteria.
Usually, this bacteria does not have any affect on
your dog but some dogs develop a sensitivity to it
causing an allergic reaction. Your dog may develop
crusts on the skin and patches of hair loss due to
scratching, similar to ring worm. If these patches
become infected, your dog will need to be treated
with antibiotics.
Contact Allergies
Contact allergies are the least common of all dog
allergies. This type of allergy produces swelling,
redness, itching and hair loss. Common contact
allergens include flea collars, plastic food bowls,
pet sweaters, plants, grass or wool bedding. The best
way to diagnose this allergy is if the symptoms
continue after ruling out all other allergies. If
this is the case, then you must pinpoint the allergen
and remove it from your dog's environment.
This information is NOT intended to replace the
advice of a veterinarian, dog trainer or pet care
Nancy Settecasi, Owner of Happy K-9 Dog Care
Proud Owner of Cookie and Skippy, Cocker Spaniels,
Dog Lover http://www.happyk-9.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nancy_Settecasi

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