Dog Nutrition: The Dos and Don'ts of Dog
Feeding By Nancy Settecasi
Proper dog nutrition is not categorized the same for
all ages, sizes and breeds. Each breed has it's
dietary recommendation as well as the suggested
number of feedings per day. These recommendations can
also be customized to the size and age group of your
dog. However, there are some general guidelines you
can follow in order to provide proper dog nutrition
with a balanced diet. A dog's protein intake depends
highly on his age. Your dog won't need more than 25
percent if he's a puppy or over 22 percent for dogs
that get moderate exercise, although, older dogs will
require more. Consult your vet for the proper protein
intake for your dog.
Most dogs are fed two times a day. Some prefer to eat
once a day. Your dog will display to you which he
prefers simply by refusing to eat during one of his
feedings. Puppies, however, require three to four
feedings per day in order to develop bone growth and
provide proper dog nutrition.
Never feed your dog table scraps under any
circumstances. If your dog has been prescribed a
special diet by the veterinarian, which requires you
to cook your dog's meals, be sure to place the food
directly into your dog's bowl. Avoid feeding your dog
directly from the dinner table. Your dog will not
only develop obesity but it will also encourage
One thing about dogs is that they can eat, and eat,
and eat, and eat and never know when they are full.
Avoid giving your dog too much to eat. Once a dog
becomes obese, it is very difficult to make them lose
weight. Your dog can also develop a host of medical
problems, such as high blood sugar, abnormal bone
development, diabetes, heart problems, just to name a
Choose a reputable, high quality, dry dog food with
the recommended daily allowance for your dog's age,
breed, size and weight. You can obtain this
information from your vet.
Along with daily feedings, give your dog a
multi-vitamin in order to promote good health and
normal growth.
Feed your dog in a stainless steel bowl. Be sure to
clean your dog's bowl with soap and water every day
or two. These bowls are a breeding ground for
bacteria. Plastic and ceramic bowls are not
Your dog should always have water in his bowl,
although, while training, you can remove the water
bowl at night in order to lessen the probability of
night-time urinating.
Offer your dog bite-sized snacks throughout the day
for training purposes. Don't overdo the snacks.
Proper dog nutrition is necessary in helping to keep
your dog's health in check and preventing costly
trips to the vet.
Nancy Settecasi, Owner of Happy K-9 Dog Care
Proud Owner of Cookie and Skippy, Cocker Spaniels,
Dog Lover
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nancy_Settecasi

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