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~ Wildlife Conservation Resources ~

Wildlife Conservation Society
USA organization managing national and international conservation projects, research and education programs.

Wildlife Conservation Network
Information about the network which focuses on funding and supporting independent and innovative conservationists around the world.

World Land Trust
Rainforest Conservation with the World Land Trust - a wildlife conservation charity with a 16 year track record of successful rainforest projects. Help us protect rainforest and other wildlife habitats.

National Wildlife Federation
The mission of the National Wildlife Federation is to inspire Americans to protect wildlife for our children's future.

BirdLife International
BirdLife International is a global alliance of conservation organisations working together for the world's birds and people.

Conservation International
Conservation International's mission is to conserve the Earth's living natural heritage, our global biodiversity, and to demonstrate human societies are able to live harmoniously with nature.

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation
wildlife conservation in Africa and Asia - saving critically endangered mammals in the wild.

Eco Maximus Elephant Dung Paper
Providing a wonderful solution to the conflict between elephants & farmers in Sri Lanka by producing beautiful gifts, stationery, photo albums & greeting cards from recycled paper & elephant dung.

World Wildlife Fund
Endangered Species at World Wildlife Fund. At WWF, we are the leader in wildlife conservation and preservation of animal habitats around the world.

The Nature Conservancy
Protecting Nature, Preserving Life

Ducks Unlimited
World Leader in Wetlands & Waterfowl Conservation - Filling the skies with waterfowl today, tomorrow and forever.

Greenpeace International
One of the world's most effective environmental activist groups.

The Rainforest Foundation
Supports indigenous people and traditional populations of the world's rainforests in their efforts to protect their environment.

Tropical Rainforest Coalition
Tropical Rainforest Coalition is working to protect and preserve the world's tropical rainforests

Rainforest Alliance
Dedicated to protecting rainforests and other ecosystems and the people and wildlife that depend on them.

Biosphere Expeditions
Wildlife conservation holiday volunteer work projects, wildlife and environmental volunteering around the world.

Wildlife Trust
Saving Nature Together

Forest Conservation Portal
Vast Rainforest, Forest and Biodiversity Conservation News & Information Portal

Race for the Big Cats

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