Worm In Cats - By Marcus Peterson
Ringworm is a common skin disease in cats and dogs.
Unlike its name, it is not caused by any worm (though
it used to be thought so) but by fungi called
Dermatophytes that thrive on dead tissues present in
skin surface and follow circular a path to spread
In cats, specific fungi called Microsporum Canis (M
Canis) results in 90 percent of the ringworm cases.
Cats usually pick up the disease from contaminated
objects such as clippers or bedding or by coming in
direct contact with other animals infected with this
disease. Young cats under a year old are more
susceptible to ringworm, so, it's wise to take
extra precautions if you have a kitten in your house.
Some of the common ringworm symptoms among cats are
rough and broken hairs, hair loss especially on head,
or paws. You can also identify ringworm disease by a
scaly patch of skin that looks inflamed and itchy
with broken hairs around it.
If your cat reveals any of these symptoms, consult
with your veterinarian. If diagnosed, he may advise
tablets or ointments depending on the intensity of
the diseases. The tablets can be fed to the cat with
meals, and the ointment can be spread topically into
the cat's fur. These treatments and cures must be
continued daily. In most cases, it takes around six
weeks to recover.
It's a good idea to take precautions due to
ringworm's infectious nature. Keep kids away
from the pet; and adults should use gloves when
handling the cat. Although ringworm is a mild
disorder, it causes problems due to its infectious
nature and slow recovery time.
Ring Worm provides
detailed information on Cause Of Ring Worm, Human
Ring Worm, Ring Worm, Ring Worm In Cats and more.
Ring Worm is affiliated
with Baby Eczema.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marcus_Peterson

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